Experience in Turning Around Troubled Government Agencies is Key Qualification.

Parish PAC, a Lafayette based political committee, chaired by conservative leader Joseph “Bobby” Richard has endorsed Monique Blanco Boulet for Mayor-President of Lafayette Parish, it was announced today.


Parish PAC Treasurer Toby Aguillard, the former Lafayette Police Chief, joins Pastor Bobby in endorsing Mrs. Boulet for Mayor-President.

“I am truly honored to endorse Monique Boulet for Mayor-President” said Aguillard. “I am confident that she will put an end to the micromanagement and meddling at the Lafayette PD that has resulted in a succession of 6 chiefs in less than 4 years” Aguillard said. “A new Administration will facilitate a stable transition to long-term leadership when our current Chief retires. New leadership at LCG is needed for a clean state with the Lafayette Police Department, its leadership, and rank and file officers” Aguillard continued. “I am concerned that the rising crime and violence we are seeing in Lafayette will spread throughout the parish. That’s why we need a fresh start at City-Parish Hall” Aguillard concluded.

“I am concerned that the rising crime and violence we are seeing in Lafayette
will spread throughout the parish. That’s why we need a fresh start at City-Parish Hall”

                                                                         – Toby Aguillard, Former Chief of Police

Mrs. Boulet’s extensive experience in turning around troubled government agencies was cited by Parish PAC Chair Joseph Bobby Richard, as a key qualification for the next Mayor-President.

“I am pleased and honored to endorse Monique Blanco Boulet for Lafayette Parish Mayor-President, said Richard. “Monique Boulet has the ideal mix of skills and experience to right the ship at Lafayette Consolidated Government and clean up the messes that have been created by the current Administration” Richard said. “She is honest, has integrity, and has proven her competence time and again as CEO of the Acadiana Planning Commission for the last 9 years” Richard continued.

Of the political message of the Mayor-President, Richard said: “As a conservative Republican and a Christian Minister I can honestly say that not everything is a matter of right versus left. Some things are a matter of right versus wrong.”

“Not everything is a matter of right versus left. Some things are simply a
matter of right versus wrong.”
                                                                                – Pastor Bobby Richard

The run-off election for Lafayette Mayor-President is on Saturday, November 18th.